20 Jahre MIST 47 in Kamp - Lintfort, wir feiern den 20. Geburtstag am Freitag den 21.02.2025 im Restaurant Laguna auf der Moerser Str. 116 in 47575 Kamp-Lintfort ab 19 Uhr Besucher sind Willkommen der Eintritt ist frei

Marklin Spur 1 "Gotthard" & Passenger Cars

#1 von skeptic49 , 25.12.2015 03:27

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

Beiträge: 62
Registriert am: 05.11.2009

RE: Marklin Spur 1 "Gotthard" & Passenger Cars

#2 von Fritz Erckens , 31.12.2015 12:32

Hello Jim,

very nice this video! All good wishes and a happy new Year !
Have seen my YT ?



Fritz Erckens
Beiträge: 1.152
Registriert am: 13.11.2009

RE: Marklin Spur 1 "Gotthard" & Passenger Cars

#3 von FlyingScotsman , 03.01.2016 23:36

Hi Jim and Fritz

really enjoyed these videos. Good to see that there are still some Maeklin Gauge 1 (kingsize) enthusiats around. @Fritz: long time no see: fantastic FE clockwork enginge!! Keep running!
Was just steaming up a G 4021 Lord Nelson. Unfortunately the mushroom burner was to big and started to burn the paint off. So no pictures this time but I keep trying to post some pics soon.
Wishing you all best for 2016!



Beiträge: 21
Registriert am: 30.12.2013


Happy Holidays! Spur 1 Under The Tree
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