Intermodellbau in Dortmund vom 10.04. bis 13.04.2025 Weltgrösste Messe für Modellbau & Modellsport ein Besuch lohnt sich immer
#1 von
, 29.09.2012 22:09
[img]Hello all, I recently came across a very interesting Gepackwagen, along with three other KBN maroon coaches. I've seen pictures of the wagen in some web pages, but this one has some very different markings. When you look at the centre one very closely, it appears to have the Royal Crest of English King George 6th. His Coronation was in 1936. Is it possible the KBN made a special edition to celebarate his Coronation. It's the only explanation I can think of. Has anyone seen anything similar? Geoff. sg067340. [/img][/img] [/img][/img] [/img][/img]g125-Geoff-s-Tischeisenbahn.html
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zuletzt bearbeitet 29.09.2012 | Top
#2 von
, 29.09.2012 22:23
Hi Geoff, the pictures cannot be seen. Probably you need to delete the "/" int the first [/img]. regards, Patrick
#3 von
, 29.09.2012 22:27
Patrick, Thanks. I've just been trying to work it out and got nowhere. I've just put them into my gallery, so if they can be found there if it doesn't work. Thanks, Geoff sg067340 Beiträge:6 Registriert am: 13.12.2011
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#4 von
, 29.09.2012 22:31
[/img][/img] [/img][/img] [/img][/img] sg067340 Beiträge:6 Registriert am: 13.12.2011
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#6 von
, 29.09.2012 22:33
Hi Geoff, Very interesting indeed. Do you think they are originally made by Bub? Couldn't the markings be made afterwards? Regards, Patrick
#7 von
, 29.09.2012 22:50
Hi Geoff! Looks very nice! Am I right, and the markings are not handpainted, but decals? Are you sure that this kind of decoration did already exist in the 1930s? Best regards toy-doc
Gruß toy-doc
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#8 von
, 29.09.2012 22:54
There's always the possibility, but if so, they are very well done. It's not very clear, but on the third photo, the GR ensignia, you can very faintly see the square box around the gold writing which is how it was painted on. It matches perfectly which is why it's difficult to see. The markings are on both sides of the wagon. I'll try to get a better picture for the post. Regards, Geoff.
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#9 von
, 30.09.2012 02:50
Dear Geoff nice find, personally I do not think it was done by Bub directly. Maybe it was prepared by Bond's or Gammages as special coronation set? Unfortunately there is not so much references to Bub in the UK. The Bond'S catalogue of 1936 still lists the Bing items. And from Gammages we only know about the one advert for the special set. I think this is a pretty british issue, it is not so well known on the continent, so I doubt that KB would produce such an edition in Germany. Although Bing had very good relations to the UK I think Bub did not have such close relations. From the version it seems be the second version without KB marking. Greetings Rainer
www.jpg" border=0>
zuletzt bearbeitet 30.09.2012 | Top
#10 von
, 30.09.2012 10:35
Hi Rainer, Thanks for the information. I don't have a great knowledge of KBN so I thought I'd ask the 'experts'. I'm still pleased with what I have, and it fits in well with the rest of the trains in my layout. I'm always searching for items like these and if I get any more I'll keep posting them on the forum. Thanks again, Geoff.
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