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?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#1 von mpipa , 31.07.2012 21:02

Hello all,
Maybe most of you have seen this wagon on sale on Ebay recently, but I share it anyway
I found it a curious one and I tryed to get it but I was out bided.
It seems that either the lithograpghy was misprinted or the mounting was defective giving this peculiar look:

Have you seen the black spots on the inside bent edges of the printed tin? I wonder what this is, meaning what does the flat tin look like before mounting?

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.07.2012 | Top

RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#2 von BlackAdder ( gelöscht ) , 31.07.2012 21:20

Hi Manuel,
yes I saw it on ebay and I did not bid because I thought I had already a mis-printed one like that.
However mine is missing the black spots

The normal one in comparison

I think in total my wagon is not as extreme as the one in ebay, but shows the same tendency



RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#3 von BlackAdder ( gelöscht ) , 31.07.2012 21:32

...just one addition,

if you look from the other side the black spots can be seen

Here is a second one showing this misprint and the black spots, a little less than the first

So it seems that it is not a rarity. By the way my 2 LMS and the continental version I own do not show anything like that.



RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#4 von mpipa , 31.07.2012 21:55

Hello Patrick,
Nice to hear from you!
So it seems that unfortunately it is not rare, meaning that Bing control was not so good.... maybe they are late ones, when they were already facing finacial problems?
I was just looking for an odd item, although I must confess I did not check the ones I have...!
In the first one you show there is another strange thing. It looks like the interior tin is not printed? Not grey, just bare tin??? Or is it somethging else?

PS: nice colourful tracks, are they Brimtoy, Chad Valey, what???

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#5 von BlackAdder ( gelöscht ) , 31.07.2012 22:14

Hi Manuel,

yes, obviously quality control back inthe old day does not seem to be very effective .

The interior is printed with the grey colour but it seems as if it did not stick properly on the tin surface so that it shows this mottle effect. One of my LMS open wagons shows the same effect, so obviously I have got all the scrap that should not have passed the quality control

About the tracks, I have no clue. I got them recently from England, I was the only bidder and got them quite cheap.



RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#6 von mpipa , 01.08.2012 12:15

Hello again Patrick,
I have checked today on my archive, the tracks are from the British maker Mettoy that made colourful tin toy trains in the 50ties.
Actually the owner of Mettoy was a former employee of Bing that left Germany in the war times.......

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#7 von BlackAdder ( gelöscht ) , 01.08.2012 13:28

Hi Manuel,

thank you very much for that information. The tracks resemble a little the Bing tracks, but the connecting system is more like BUB tracks of the late 30ies.

Thanks again


RE: ?Damaged? Bing 00 LNER (NE) open wagon

#8 von tischbahn , 03.08.2012 13:12

Hi both,

I watched that auction too, a couple weeks ago (without own bid), but I have to admit, ....I haven´t seen that.
And I agree with, it could really be happend on the end of Bing´s production, but I thought, Bing had a lot of toys on stock?
So it normally doesn´t make sense to doublecheck their scraped tinplates maybe for an additional production.

I only know it on TRIX goods wagons, it seems, they reactivated scraped plates in 1939/40, because of an absence of material.


Beiträge: 3.294
Registriert am: 23.11.2007


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