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#2 von
, 29.03.2009 21:52
Hello, there is one model I really like. It´s the brown and green D342, which has been available in a starter set only. For a long time I have been searching for this loco. Mostly the seller sits in Italy and does not want to sell to foreign countries. Anyway, someday I will get it (and the red freelance DB-Version, too!) Nice pix, thanks a lot! Martin
Lima Modeltrain Collectors - Die neue Lima-Enzyklopädie zum Mitmachen für den SammlerMartin´s Railfun Seite - Geschichten und Bilder rund um die kleine und große Bahn (und vieles mehr)Die Lima Sammlerseite
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#3 von
, 30.03.2009 00:17
Hi Capotrenogio', thanks for all the pictures. I like the design of the locos on the first picture you show. And also I love the CC44101 from France. The layout where you photograph your models, looks also very nice. Are the bridges and buildings also using Lima parts? Have you got any more photos where more details of the layout can be seen? kind regards, Thomas
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#5 von
, 30.03.2009 07:40
Nice pix!
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#6 von
, 30.03.2009 10:12
Zitat von martin67 Hello, there is one model I really like. It´s the brown and green D342, which has been available in a starter set only. For a long time I have been searching for this loco. Mostly the seller sits in Italy and does not want to sell to foreign countries. Anyway, someday I will get it (and the red freelance DB-Version, too!) Nice pix, thanks a lot! Martin Hello Martin, you can find the loco in ebay Italia at this section: corner Lima. Look, it may be day or another... Capotrenogio'
#7 von
, 30.03.2009 10:49
Zitat von ikonengold Hi Capotrenogio', thanks for all the pictures. I like the design of the locos on the first picture you show. And also I love the CC44101 from France. The layout where you photograph your models, looks also very nice. Are the bridges and buildings also using Lima parts? Have you got any more photos where more details of the layout can be seen? kind regards, Thomas Hello Thomas, I have two layouts: the first called the "plastico giochereccio" the second, built to partecipate at a little local show. You can see here many pictures of my first layout :
#8 von
, 30.03.2009 21:21
Hi there, well, I know that the diesel is occasionally showing up on Italian eBay. But many sellers in Italy are only selling to their own land. Or they think Lima is worth a fortune! On the other hand they love watching my website, but how can I complete it if people from the Lima-country are not willing to sell their stuff to me ? Anyway, I´m really habby to see that more and more people are joining the "Lima-community" in this forum, thanks guys! Cheers, Martin
Lima Modeltrain Collectors - Die neue Lima-Enzyklopädie zum Mitmachen für den SammlerMartin´s Railfun Seite - Geschichten und Bilder rund um die kleine und große Bahn (und vieles mehr)Die Lima Sammlerseite
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