Intermodellbau in Dortmund vom 10.04. bis 13.04.2025 Weltgrösste Messe für Modellbau & Modellsport ein Besuch lohnt sich immer

Bing Set No. 1

#1 von mpipa , 09.11.2012 20:16

Hello fellow collectors,
It is maybe interesting to compare this two sets, with the same content, correponding to catalogue No.1, but somehow different.

The one with L&NWR livery is probably the very first one from late 1922, while the MR livery is a later version, just before the change to the yellow boxes?
The more interesting differences is the way the train is boxed, in individual partitions on one case and with a card insert in the second case, that was later used in every set. Also the colour of the tracks is quite different, with the green sides much lighter for the earlier version.
I hope this is of some interest.

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

RE: Bing Set No. 1

#2 von pete , 09.11.2012 20:31

Hallo Manuel,

sure, this is of some interest. I like those trains very much, but i don't no very much of them and there stories, but i love looking pictures of them. Thank you very much for showing us your pictures.

Best regards,

rot geschrieben=Adminaussage,grün geschrieben=Moderatorenhinweis,ansonsten Usermeinung ...

Trix Express, Guß und Blech - Fleischmann Spur 0 - alte Wikingautos

Beiträge: 12.155
Registriert am: 09.11.2007

RE: Bing Set No. 1

#3 von Gelöschtes Mitglied , 28.11.2012 20:10

Yes - you are quite right, Manuel!
The set you show first is the very early one. No number on the front picture, light green litho on the track and the narrow red windows on the carriages.
Congratulation to this rare item!
Kind regards, Claudia


Bing electric turntable
H0 / 00 Weiche kein Märklin, Hersteller?

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