Zitat von herribert73 im Beitrag #11
By the way, I do need some Riva help, i need some pantographs for a bakelit 626 and a tendershell for a Hiawatha, are there any adresses you know where I could take my request?
'azz! (which is neapolitan. I'm not neapolitan i'm from north Italy).
'azz is a surprise exclamation, not like a simple wow but more than a badword. It's something that pulls you up when you say wow. Everyone now say it everywhere in Italy.
Pantographs for a bakelit 626 are also called 'pantografi a ricciolo' (ricciolo = curl, curly hairs = capelli riccioli) and is really not easy to find.
Like this right?
http://www.ebay.it/itm/Rivarossi-Le-626-...=item51c8b58883Tendershell (if you mean the lower part) can give some more chanche.
Forget about ebay because the competition is too strong and try to look here:
www.rivarestore.com...there is the english version too.
Also if you can't find something in the website try to write them. I think they can read and write in english. They have more than what they shows on the web. Just ask, maybe you're lucky.
They found a motor and solution for my gr 740 233, they give me an answer to every question and they had a lot of patience and the cost shipping included was 50 euros. Well if the motor could cost 20, the rest of things 10 and shipping 5 euros, the rest of time they wasted for me... for me has a cost.
You may think they are expensive but if they have something they give it to you or they may look around for you and you do not have to bid and bid and bid on ebay.

Here is my suggestion.
Zitat von herribert73 im Beitrag #11
You see Pancetta, the older the stuff, the better quality it was, any year closer to 89 the machines were worn and the quality suffered.
Same here, rivarossi once was better than 1993 or later. Thats why my collection is similar to the maya calendar: they stop to count after 12/12/2012 and I stop to consider trains made after 1993

Buy the way P
ancetta mean bacon or paunch but i'm very slim

, i like 'prosciutto' and my nickname is P
ecetta. Even in Italy everyone read it wrong i really don't know why...
Pecetta (for me) mean 'sticky' and this is my behavior but in other regions of Italy may mean 'poor site' or other no sense things...
Ouch! look at the clock. Is time for sleep.
Se you tomorrow about my v100 Gutzold.
...oh, yes darling i'm coming... no is not so late you see... and nooo i was not chatting with a beautiful young blonde girl... just trains - trains only trains... yes belive meeeeee