CCS 66/12920

#1 von oldmarklin , 18.03.2013 16:57

Hello, this is my first post on this forum quite unique!

I am Italian and unfortunately I do not speak German but I try to write in English my question.
I collect Marklin 0 gauge for many years but understand that there is always more to learn.....

This kroko:

has taken to the lighting of the cars in the front ie the side opposite to that of the reverse command, the same are placed inside of the bodywork whereas in all my locomotives (steam or electric) are located outside!
Maybe they reversed the covers? This is a difficult operation and do not understand the reason.

More pictures of the same car show, badly, that in the back there is not a plaque with 20V B as usual.

Can you give me an explanation?

Many thanks!

Beiträge: 13
Registriert am: 18.03.2013

RE: CCS 66/12920

#2 von oldmarklin , 18.03.2013 17:01

Beiträge: 13
Registriert am: 18.03.2013

RE: CCS 66/12920

#3 von ElwoodJayBlues , 18.03.2013 17:05

Hello Mr Unknown (a name would be mighty helpful),

from my knowledge, all the 0 gauge crocodile locomotives seem to have the power outlet mounted that way.
I guess it must be for some condtructional reason.

Good looking layout, by the way. We'd love to see some more pics.



"Das Land steckt in einer Krise, Johnny!"
"Wir latschen von einer Krise in die nächste..."

- Robert Redford -

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RE: CCS 66/12920

#4 von toy-doc , 18.03.2013 17:12

Moin zusammen!
Wenn ich ihn richtig verstehe, fragt oldmarklin sich, warum die Buchsen für die Wagenbeleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung vorne liegen und nicht, wie bei seinen anderen Fahrzeugen, hinten (was ja auch sinnvoll wäre).


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zuletzt bearbeitet 18.03.2013 | Top

RE: CCS 66/12920

#5 von ElwoodJayBlues , 18.03.2013 17:17

Zitat von toy-doc im Beitrag #4
Moin zusammen!
Wenn ich ihn richtig verstehe, fragt oldmarklin sich, warum die Buchsen für die Wagenbeleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung vorne liegen und nicht, wie bei seinen anderen Fahrzeugen, hinten (was ja auch sinnvoll wäre).

Nein, er fragt sich warum die Buchse von innen angeschraubt ist, und nicht von außen.

"Das Land steckt in einer Krise, Johnny!"
"Wir latschen von einer Krise in die nächste..."

- Robert Redford -

Beiträge: 6.802
Registriert am: 10.07.2011

RE: CCS 66/12920

#6 von fan1994 , 18.03.2013 17:20

Stimmt Toy Doc aber dieser Lok tut das kein Bruch da sie auch so eine Augenweide ist

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Registriert am: 21.06.2011

RE: CCS 66/12920

#7 von oldmarklin , 18.03.2013 17:31

Thanks Felix and sorry, my name is Bruno!



Beiträge: 13
Registriert am: 18.03.2013

RE: CCS 66/12920

#8 von oldmarklin , 18.03.2013 17:35

Zitat von ElwoodJayBlues im Beitrag #5
Zitat von toy-doc im Beitrag #4
Moin zusammen!
Wenn ich ihn richtig verstehe, fragt oldmarklin sich, warum die Buchsen für die Wagenbeleuchtung in Fahrtrichtung vorne liegen und nicht, wie bei seinen anderen Fahrzeugen, hinten (was ja auch sinnvoll wäre).

Nein, er fragt sich warum die Buchse von innen angeschraubt ist, und nicht von außen.

I ask myself both things!!!!

At this evening

Beiträge: 13
Registriert am: 18.03.2013

RE: CCS 66/12920

#9 von t.horstmann , 19.03.2013 00:02

Hello Bruno,

You wrote: "I ask myself both things!!!!"

The second thing first:
Felix wrote: "from my knowledge, all the 0 gauge crocodile locomotives seem to have the power outlet mounted that way."
I also think, that that's correct. - And it looks better!

The first thing last, because it's more difficult:
If I understood right, the power outlet is on one side of your loco. And the lever with the knob for changing the direction, your loco has to run, is on the other side. That's not correct. Maybe someone has tinkered at your loco. So it's possible, that the 2 covers have changed places. Each cover is only fixated by 3 screws. So you can rechange the 2 covers. Therefor it's necessary, that the cable to the power outlet is long enough. - So remove the covers, disconnect the cable and try it.

Best regards


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Registriert am: 27.10.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.03.2013 | Top

RE: CCS 66/12920

#10 von oldmarklin , 19.03.2013 08:27

I Thomas,

thanks for your answer but my doubts remain unresolved!
Exchange the two bonnets can happen to those who do it 10 times a day but not at those who, with love, takes place reach its jewel
I agree that it is nice to have the sockets for lighting inside but I can not find support around ...

Mysteries of Marklin!

Have a nice day

Beiträge: 13
Registriert am: 18.03.2013

RE: CCS 66/12920

#11 von t.horstmann , 19.03.2013 20:29

Hello Bruno,

you don't want to exchange the two bonnets. I think, that's no problem, because the crocodile is much more a freight-loco than a passenger-loco. So you can run it with the power-outlet in front for the most time. If you want to use it with lighted passenger-cars, you can turn it. - The lever in front, I think no big problem.

On your last picture you showed a loco with the power outlet on the outside of the bonnet. Maybe, Märklin had produced both versions. I'm not the lucky owner of an original Märklin-crocodile. But I have a Hehr-replica of this Märklin-machine. And in this replica the power-outlet is inside the bonnet. You have to know, that Mr. Hehr works very exactly. So there must be a Märklin-example and it must be the more frequently version.

Best regards


Beiträge: 1.758
Registriert am: 27.10.2010

RE: CCS 66/12920

#12 von oldmarklin , 19.03.2013 21:31

Thanks for your contribution Thomas

Zitat von t.horstmann im Beitrag #11
So there must be a Märklin-example and it must be the more frequently version.

I do not ever see him in gauge 0 CCS while it is normal in Gauge1; perhaps the first picture is an early and rare version (1933) with only one engine, not seen written 2 motor.

No one has more explanatory photo?

Have a nice nigth


Beiträge: 13
Registriert am: 18.03.2013


MÄ Spur 0 als Gartenbahn.
Kaufen oder nicht ??? Märklin KK34 D

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