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The story of a locomotive 1337

#1 von vwlucas , 29.07.2020 20:06


I am a pretty Fleischmann locomotive, an E10 134, first version, purchased on November 20, 1961 in the Vroom & Dreesman store (Beursplein, Rotterdam) by a certain K (Koen?) de Jong. Koen lived in Nolensstraat 74 C, Rotterdam. He had to cover (2x) 2.3 km, probably by bike (?), to come and buy me.
I went back to maintenance in May ’62, and then my owner forgot about the next maintenance, from November 1962. He brought me in February ’63, and had to pay.
The maintenance log mentions a "Niet op tijd - betalen". "Not in due time –to be payed".

I was in a country where you don't mess with money!

The history then loses my trace, until I was bought by Jacques in Hamme (BE) on March 01, 1990. He dissembled me, cleaned me, and oiled my gears. In view of the engine output, I had not driven a lot.
Since then, I spent quiet days in my box, ridind from time to time, at the head of a train called "Helvetia", the train that Saint Nicholas often forgot to bring, even to wise children.

Für mich ist Fleischmann immer Recht!
Selbst wenn er falsch ist.

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zuletzt bearbeitet 29.07.2020 | Top


Hilfe für FLM Signal 6206 erbeten.
eine Rocolok im Fleischmannkarton

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