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Tischbahnen aus Spanien: RICO

#1 von mpipa , 25.04.2012 20:14

I have recently found a complete train set from Rico that gives further information to the one posted earlier
The set is complete with tracks, but also with a wayside halt and a tunnel. The tunnel is really interesting since a car is entering on one side and leaving on the other! Great, I can not imagine the mess inside the tunnel with the car crossing with the trainthe train, like a good friend pointed out!
I find the litography of this tunnel really nice, also supported by the embossing in the tin. By the way, the tracks are flat, meaning that the sleepers are not embossed, just painted.
I can not date the train, the box has absolutely no marks, not even reference to Rico, but my guess is early post war. What do you think?

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

RE: Tischbahnen aus Spanien: RICO

#2 von BlackAdder ( gelöscht ) , 26.04.2012 21:30

Hi Manuel,

Thanks for showing this rarity. Unfortunately I can not contribute to the clarification of the age, but I really enjoy seeing pictures of table top trains that I did not even know they existed.

Thanks and best regards to Portugal


P.S. the lithography is really nice and funny. However, the front of the car looks a little bit distorted; is it because of the embossing ?


RE: Tischbahnen aus Spanien: RICO

#3 von mpipa , 26.04.2012 23:24

Hi Patrik,
A similar train, but with the loco in red appears in Jeff Carpenter's book on page 24.
All other such locos I had seen before were also red, this is the first black I have seen, although the catalogue sows a black one. But the accessories are in my view even rarer, never seen before.
The problem with the distorted car is due to the embossing, bad design and the accident inside the tunnel when crossing with the train LOL.

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

RE: Tischbahnen aus Spanien: RICO

#4 von Gelöschtes Mitglied , 07.05.2012 21:03

Manuel - could the RENFE lining give a hit to the age of the set? I must confess I have no idea of Spanish railways....
Very kind regards, Claudia


Tischbahnen aus Spanien: PAYA
Bond's GWR Surburban 1st 3rd Coach (~1935)

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