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Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#1 von mpipa , 08.12.2011 21:03

Some time ago I found this KBN set (ex-BIng design) on Ebay and kept the picture.

I can not find it the catalogues (1936+1936) I have. According to these catalogues only two clockwork sets exist (Reg. 933/1 and 933/3) and its contents don't match this one. The lid of the box has the green loco, and the exterior is yellow.
Can anybody help with this. Maybe it is listed in an earlier catalogue I don't have?

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

RE: Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#2 von Gelöschtes Mitglied , 11.12.2011 13:05

Hello Manuel,
Karl Bub catalogue 1935 page 23:

I think, it is set 933/3 without station, signalhouse and tunnel.

Greetings, elaphos

RE: Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#3 von mpipa , 11.12.2011 19:26

Hello elaphos,
Thank you for the pictures of the catalogue.
I have the sets in the catalogue, but what I dont find is the set I pictured before in the catalogues I have (I mentioned 1936-1936) but it wa a mistake, it should have been 1935-1936, sorry). Do you have an earlier catalogue from KBN, it seems KBN bought the tools from Bing around 1932, is there 1932 or 1933 KBN catalogue?
Here are pictures of the sets in the catalogue:

(Ebay picture)

(Ebay picture)

It is interesting to note the pictures on the lid of the boxes have the BW Bing Werke logo.


Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.12.2011 | Top

RE: Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#4 von Eugen & Karl , 11.12.2011 20:29

Guten Abend,

Kataloge der Firma Karl Bub aus den Jahren 1933 und 1934 sind bekannt und haben sich in privater Hand erhalten. Im Jahre 1933 erscheint für den Handel ein neuer Hauptkatalog mit dem Titel "Eisenbahnen und Automobile 1933". Noch im selben Jahr kommt hierfür bereits ein Nachtragskatalog heraus: "Elektrische Züge und Zubehör, Neuheiten 1. Nachtrag 1933".

Beide Kataloge tragen auf dem Titel noch die "KB"/"BW" Bildmarke (vergl. hierzu: Schenck, Bodo/Die wahren Waarenzeichen/Vortrag am 12. Tinplate- Forum CH Münsingen 1998).

1934 erscheint dann der "2. Nachtrag 1934" zu dem Hauptkatalog 1933. Eine Übersicht über das Programm des Jahres 1934 gestattet die "Preisliste 1934" zu den genannten drei Katalogen mit Ihren Berichtigungen. Das "BW" ist nun erwartungsgemäß aus der Bildmarke verschwunden, das "KB" hingegen als "Eingetr. Schutzmarke" bezeichnet.

In diesen Katalogen ist die Miniaturbahn der Spurweite 00 nicht aufgeführt.

Sie kommt bei Bub erst im Jahre 1935 in das Programm, wohl als Reaktion auf die Erfolge von Trix und Märklin auf diesem Gebiet.

Viele Grüße

Eugen & Karl
Beiträge: 4.361
Registriert am: 06.02.2011

RE: Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#5 von Dieter Weißbach , 11.12.2011 20:32

Hi all,

please have a look to the signal arms on the two pictures.

The first picture has british signal arms - lower quadrant.

The second picture has german or continental signal arms.

The picture with the british signal arms contains a mistake. There was a combined signal with a fishtailed arm (distant signal) on top of the post and a normal arm (home signal). The home signal arm has to be placed on top of the post, the distant signal arm has to be placed under the home signal arm.

Lower Quadrant signal on the left - Upper Quadrant signal on the right

Viele Grüße aus Berlin, Dieter

Dieter Weißbach
Beiträge: 1.626
Registriert am: 23.12.2008

RE: Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#6 von , 18.12.2011 09:02

Hey Manuel

I also remember the set it was from England.
So it could be this is a special export set?
I asked the seller at that time but he could not find an item nr on the box.

Unfortunately I can not recall all the pictures but if I remember well there was no picture of the box lid which would give more clues.

So the box looks very Bing like although the content is Bub.

I also can confirm there is no indication yet that the 00 Gauge trains have been produced before 1935.
I have a 1934 pricelists which does not list any of these trains but also not the earlier24 mm + trains.

Quite interesting is the comment on the1934 price list stating that it refers to Main catalogue 1933 as well as appendix 1 of 1933 and appendix 2 of 1934.
No reference to a new 1934 catalogue is given.

However there again are diffeent types of catalogues

- The normal catalogue 16 pages KB 00 trains 1935 and 1936 including EX Bing trains
- A3 folded sheets wit 4 pages KB trains are not in the 1934 edition but in the 1935 edition with tehe same content as in the main catalogue

In 1939 there is additionally 12 pages three lingual catalogue which contains other sets than the german catalogue.
(Turntable Railway or, set 310/5E)
So maybe there was already before somespecial export sets?.

Interestingly the 1936-37 Bond's catalogue still shows Bing Trains.


www.jpg" border=0>
Beiträge: 382
Registriert am: 21.02.2008

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.12.2011 | Top

RE: Unknown KBN Set (ex-Bing)

#7 von mpipa , 18.12.2011 10:42

Hello Rainer,
An export set could be an explanation...
I have the picture of the lid, but only in pdf format, I will try to attach it to the message.
In any case it is the one with the green loco, similar to the one uploaded before that come with the small CW Set, the first picture. Here the logo is missing, but in the picture of the "export set" the logo is present and it is the BW Bing one.

Beiträge: 76
Registriert am: 09.03.2011

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.12.2011 | Top


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