Neuer Artikel (Märklin Spur 0) an Tinplate Times

#1 von skeptic49 , 07.01.2011 15:09

Neuer Artikel an Tinplate Times:

Moderne europäische züge der spur 0: In der Art von Märklin - durch Bryant Booth (Ritter, Haas, HGM, Selzer, Hehr, etc.)

Modern European Outline 0 Gauge Trains: In the Style of Märklin - By Bryant Booth - Bryant Booth returns for the third time as a contributor to Tinplate Times with a comprehensive look at modern tinplate 0 gauge reproductions made "in the style of Märklin." Booth has done extensive research focusing on five European companies that have produced Märklin 0 gauge reproductions, or in some cases, new models that capture the look and feel of those great vintage Märklin 0 guage tinplate trains.

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

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Registriert am: 05.11.2009



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