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New No.1 Gauge Layout

#1 von skeptic49 , 01.12.2010 16:01

Hello Friends,

I live in a city town house, so I do not have much room in the basement for a train layout. However, I have started to build a No. one gauge layout on the lower level of my existing three level table. I plan to have two loops of Märklin No. one gauge tinplate track. I will post more photographs as the work progresses. I hope to have vintage Märklin tinplate trains running soon!

Best wishes,

Jim Kelly
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

Beiträge: 62
Registriert am: 05.11.2009

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.12.2010 | Top

New Photos and Video

#2 von skeptic49 , 13.12.2010 02:28

Now after work on the project for about six weeks, finally I can run a train on the layout.

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

Beiträge: 62
Registriert am: 05.11.2009

RE: New Photos and Video

#3 von skeptic49 , 03.01.2011 02:22

With additional work, the display now incluides two separate tracks and the addition of more accessories:

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

Beiträge: 62
Registriert am: 05.11.2009

RE: New Photos and Video

#4 von Gelöschtes Mitglied , 03.01.2011 04:19

Love the movie !

But is that the engine or are you drilling a tunnel to your neighbors´s basement ?

RE: New Photos and Video

#5 von Dampfmaschinenjoe 1967 ( gelöscht ) , 04.01.2011 23:15

WOW ! What a lot of nice engines and accessories ! Your layout looks very good !

cheers Joe

Dampfmaschinenjoe 1967

More Photos

#6 von skeptic49 , 08.01.2011 14:19

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

Beiträge: 62
Registriert am: 05.11.2009

RE: More Photos

#7 von Jonas , 11.01.2011 19:39

Hi Skeptic49

I just wached your videos on YouTube. You have a lot of very cool things. Is ist hard to find those Märklin material in the US ? I run my Märklin on Lionel track cause they are cheeper than the original Märklin.
You have my respect.



Beiträge: 471
Registriert am: 03.02.2009

RE: More Photos

#8 von skeptic49 , 15.01.2011 17:35

aus_usa: Yes, the reproduction PLM locomotive is quite noisy.

Jonas: Thank you for your comment. Märklin items are somewhat difficult to obtain in the US. I have had success purchasing Märklin trains from the UK and France. I use Atlas track for my spur 0 trains and vintage Märklin tinplate spur 1 track that I was lucky to find here in the US.

More photos:

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
"People do not 'graduate' From tinplate." - Louis Hertz, 1938

Beiträge: 62
Registriert am: 05.11.2009


Märklin Spur 1 nach englischer Art

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