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Fitting of the afterbogie 1365

#1 von vwlucas , 22.10.2018 11:52

Hello everybody,

I have a problem whit the fitting of the after bogie of a pacific 1365.
I feel that the contact with the rail is too weak.

Is my fitting right?

Für mich ist Fleischmann immer Recht!
Selbst wenn er falsch ist.

Beiträge: 541
Registriert am: 05.01.2013

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.10.2018 | Top

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#2 von frankenmafia , 22.10.2018 12:38


a (even more) picture(s) from the original tell(s) more than 1000 words.


Beiträge: 1.200
Registriert am: 02.02.2012

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#3 von Scrat , 22.10.2018 14:20

I guess there should be a single leaf spring between the bogie and the loco frame.

If brute force does not are just not using enough of it!

Beiträge: 2.099
Registriert am: 15.12.2009

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#4 von Phil24 , 22.10.2018 15:15

Funny that you should call dolly a bogie (British English) or truck (American English), Jacques.
A dolly is a term used in the cinema world, it generally consists in a small platform with four tiny wheels (on rails) carrying a camera.
In this case, as the model loco is (supposed to be) American I should simply say a truck, more precisely the rear truck.

Phil (Abkürzung von Philippe aber auch von meiner universitären Bildung als Philologe)

vwlucas hat sich bedankt!
Beiträge: 581
Registriert am: 21.04.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.10.2018 | Top

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#5 von Startset1000 , 22.10.2018 15:40

Hello vwlucas,

Zitat von vwlucas im Beitrag #1


well, my 1365 looks more or less like your drawing. @Scrat:The flat spring normally found between truck and frame on Fleischmann engines will not work with US-style trailing trucks -- there is nothing that it can press against.


Beiträge: 607
Registriert am: 26.03.2013

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.10.2018 | Top

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#6 von vwlucas , 22.10.2018 17:18

so, fitted like this is normal?

Für mich ist Fleischmann immer Recht!
Selbst wenn er falsch ist.

Beiträge: 541
Registriert am: 05.01.2013

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#7 von Phil24 , 22.10.2018 18:37

Yes, and no !
The rear truck should hang lower and shouldn't be in parallel with the rails like yours (> screw or spring too short I guess).


vwlucas hat sich bedankt!
Beiträge: 581
Registriert am: 21.04.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.10.2018 | Top

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#8 von Phil24 , 22.10.2018 19:00

Well, I checked again my three 1365s instead of my German/American 1366. On the oldest Pacific (where power is picked up via wires on three wheels) the rear truck doesn't hang as low as on my pic but it remains on the rails without problem... The screw might be shorter, and the chassis of course.


Beiträge: 581
Registriert am: 21.04.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.10.2018 | Top

RE: Fitting of the afterdolly 1365

#9 von vwlucas , 22.10.2018 19:00

spring too short

Or too lazy, too old...

Für mich ist Fleischmann immer Recht!
Selbst wenn er falsch ist.

Beiträge: 541
Registriert am: 05.01.2013


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