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Unknown German Tischeisenbahn Engine Shed

#1 von sg067340 , 18.01.2012 19:06

I am a collector of Bing Table Top 'Tischeisenbahn'. I also have other pieces of KBN, Distler, Jep, and several pieces that are unknown.
One of them is a tinplate engine shed. It is 128 mm long, 65 mm wide and 80mm high. The entrance to the shed is large enough to take my Bing engine, but when the track is inserted into the shed, it will not fit.
I know that it isn't Bing but has anyone seen anything like this, and knows who the maker is?



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Registriert am: 13.12.2011

RE: Unknown German Tischeisenbahn Engine Shed

#2 von Gelöschtes Mitglied , 22.01.2012 20:34

Hello, Geoff!
Nice to find you here on Forum Alte Modellbahnen. I've recently seen such a loco shed on the UK ebay. Is it this one? The lithography reminds me of BUB of the 1930ies...but this is only an idea - nothing definite!
Kind regards,

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.01.2012 13:02 | Top

RE: Unknown German Tischeisenbahn Engine Shed

#3 von , 23.01.2012 14:52

Hey Geoff

welcome to this forum

Unfortunately I also do not have any idea who made this engine shed.
From the type I would assume it is not from a table railway but something like a "turn around train" from Arnold or Technofix.


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Registriert am: 21.02.2008

RE: Unknown German Tischeisenbahn Engine Shed

#4 von sg067340 , 24.01.2012 22:09

Hi Claudia and nice to meet you Rainer.
Yes Claudia it was from E bay. It wasn't described very well but it looked as though it could be German, so I bought it. Very cheap!!!

It would have been nice for it to be KBN or Distler, but I'm happy with the purchase and it will sit nicely at the end of a branch line.
By the way Rainer, I've used your web site many times and passed on the link to several E Bay members. It's been very useful for me.

I'd like to follow on by mentioning the Jep water tower with the insert. Over the years I've collected 6 of them, and I missed out on a few more, and I've never seen one with an insert.

Thanks for your comments


Beiträge: 14
Registriert am: 13.12.2011


JDWO German coaches like Bing / KBN / Distler
Umfrage zur MDR Sendung aus kleiner Spur

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